Guidelines and Code of Conduct

PLEASE RESPECT all Members, Trustees, and Officers of The Royal Society of Saint George.
You may not unduly argue with any Officers, Board of Directors, and or Trustees either publicly or privately. Belittling, berating, and otherwise hostile treatment or disrespect of any of our reputable and stellar members. Violations of any provisions of Our Code of Conduct may lead to immediate suspension and or expulsion from our organization(s).
All members are expected to participate in actively promoting the values of The Royal Society of Saint George and to attend key events throughout each year in support of our organization. We have several Social Media outreaches and we would like to see our membership body actively participating and this noble organization.
Members of The Royal Society of Saint George are prohibited from providing or allowing access of our memberships databases, emails, telephone numbers, addresses and or other personal information to any person including friends, family members or other organization under any circumstances for the purpose of self promotion, solicitation or to attempt any acts of malfeasance.
Logos and graphics are copyrighted and may not be reproduced
without express written permission from the California Chapter or by the Saint George Official Office in England
NO INDIVIDUAL or MEMBER MAY ACT INDEPENDENTLY AS AN OFFICIAL SPOKESPERSON: Representation of The Royal Society of Saint George will always be provided by our leadership team as a whole and with full knowledge of our Board of Directors.
Members of The Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch may not act independently either within our organization or outside of our organization to contact other Groups, Society's, Houses, Kingdoms of Chiefdom's for the purpose of obtaining self recognition's, accolades or any other document for position or hierarchy.
All membership levels, including honorary membership to The Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch are subject to same code of Ethics that guides the Royal Society of Saint George Foundation in England. Members who are suspended or banned due to guidelines violations will be expelled without legal right, recourse, ramification, or refund when such violations have been founded.
The Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch also reserves the right to suspend, ban or expel any membership level individual at its discretion for violations by either themselves, a spouse, family member or other direct associate they have brought into contact with The Royal Society of Saint George when such individuals show clear intent to cause disruption, harm or other ill will to the organization as a whole.
PUBLIC EVENTS related to the Royal Society Of Saint George- California Chapter:
If any member is found in violation of these guidelines (This includes honorary members) at an event related to our Royal Society Chapter, they are subject to review, possible suspension, or removal. If an event is held without our knowledge or permission, and we are misrepresented in any way, the person responsible is subject to possible removal from the Society followed by legal action.
Policy in the event of an Event Termination - No Refunds - As The Royal Society of Saint George California Chapter operates under the auspices of The Saint Lazarus Relief Fund (a Legal and Registered 501-c3)
What Is an Act of God?
The Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch is not responsible for any circumstance arising from any situation beyond our control which may also be described as an Act of God. Such situations could include but are not limited to event postponements, rescheduling or cancellations.
An act of God describes an event outside of human control or activity, such as a natural disaster like a flood, fire, pandemic, or earthquake.
In business, the phrase “Act of God” is not associated with any particular religion or belief system. Contractual language referring to acts of God is known as force majeure clauses, which are often used by insurance companies.
These clauses typically limit or remove liability for injuries, damages, and losses caused by acts of God. What is considered to be an act of God varies across the country. It includes, "any other event beyond the reasonable control of a party.”
Only The Officers of The Royal Society Conduct Projects and Public Relations Activities.
No Royal Society member may act as an official spokesperson for the Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch, or any of our associate organizations, for ANY reason.
Some Official members and officers may occasionally act on behalf of our organization at the express request of the Higher Officers and Trustees exclusively, but only for the task at hand. Most public relations activities will be handled exclusively by the Chairman and The Deputy Chairman.
Anyone caught misrepresenting themselves, or their association with Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch is subject to immediate removal, and possible legal action, with absolutely no possibility of returning to the Society. Three strikes are for baseball, not fraud.
Trustees and Officers are available by appointment only.
It includes member crises, interview requests, and so forth. To request an appointment, please submit your request using our contact form under the heading ‘Contact Us’ on the Homepage or send a direct email to Karen Cantrell at and we will respond as soon as possible.
In the case of a complaint, upon receipt of any complaint, a report must be submitted to President Christopher Buck for review and any deemed actions that are necessary will be implemented.
Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch. The following behaviors are considered inappropriate:
WHINING: We are here to help and support each other. However, excessive pity-seeking is unhealthy and distracting to others. Respect members of the Community, and yourself, by keeping this kind of behavior in check.
BOASTING: Making statements in order make yourself look important, unique, or exceptionally qualified is considered boasting, whether regarding your person or earthly credentials. When interacting on a serious topic, please do so respectfully and soberly.
TROLLING: Any member suspected of having joined the Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch with the purpose of directing our members to other societies, orders and groups will be suspended pending an investigation. If trolling is proven, that member will be removed.
HOSTILITY TOWARD OTHERS: Everyone has the divine right to believe what they wish. When you share ideas, please do so kindly, and with respect for others.
EXCESSIVE FLIRTING, PROFANITY, OR PORNOGRAPHY: We believe in and encourage, artistic license, but please keep your language and content clean and courteous to others. You will receive a request to stop immediately if you’re going too far. Indecency will not be tolerated
GRILLING OR MOCKERY: Each’s ideas and beliefs are subjective. Everyone has the divine right to believe what they wish. When you share ideas, please do so kindly, and with respect for others.
BEING OVERLY SUGGESTIVE OR CRUDE: Casual flirting and clean jokes are fine. Anything else will warrant a warning notification, and you will be asked to discontinue the offensive behavior immediately.
HARASSMENT, threats of bullying, and discriminatory behaviors will not be tolerated.
In all areas, we expect you to be courteous and respectful. Name calling, finger-pointing, belittling, threats,
and anything else that disrupts the harmony of the Chapter will be swiftly dealt with by the Board of
Directors and immediate officers. Anyone conducting themselves in this manner is subject to immediate
suspension, and possible removal.
Those who show a pattern of misconduct on other groups and Societies will not be met kindly here. All members of Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch are expected to be mature and responsible outside of our membership Society. We are a well-respected and deferential organization. We have an upstanding reputation both amongst our peers worldwide and on State of California communities in general. Any actions outside of our network that degrade the integrity of this Society Chapter will not be accepted, nor tolerated.
These Guidelines are Born of Necessity:
We fully realize that some of these guidelines may, at first glance, be considered rather harsh to some people. We wish it to be known that it is not our intention to be militant or overbearing in our approach to operating this Membership Society.
Our first defense has been that we now do our level best to screen new members thoroughly, both for our protection, and yours. We have also updated these guidelines and make them readily available here for all the Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch members to keep the peace, and to inform all would-be troublemakers that we do not tolerate dishonest, insensitive, or disruptive behavior. Considering this, we feel that it is our right, and our responsibility to guard our Good name, our reputation and our membership against such actions, perpetrated by people of questionable integrity.
PLEASE NOTE: These guidelines are subject to change at any time to reflect the growing issues within our Royal Society of Saint George- California Branch and we make a definite point of announcing such changes as they are made. However, the full responsibility of staying informed, updated, and aware of changes lies with each Community member.
Ignorance of these guidelines is not a legitimate excuse for misconduct.
Comments, opinions, and suggestions are welcome.
Please also familiarize yourself with our website ‘Terms of Use,” which will provide you with valuable additional information.