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This illustrious and patriotic English Royal Society has just celebrated its 123rd Anniversary, to which it has enjoyed the Royal patronage of every British Monarch since Queen Victoria. In this year, which has seen Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II celebrate her Blue Sapphire Jubilee and the House of Windsor celebrate its centenary, it is a very special and exciting time to welcome the California branch into the Royal Society of St. George family. The Royal Society of St. George aims to not only defend and promote heritage and culture of English nature, but Royal. Charitable causes are part and partial to the activities and actions of the Royal Society. The California branch has already supported the efforts of Guide Dogs of the Desert by raising funds for a collar and harness to present to this amazing charity. A formal presentation will be held in October. Additional causes which are supported by the California branch of the Royal Society of St. George are Humanity Healing, Idyllwild Firefighters, The Royal Oak Foundation and the Royal Society of St. George Charitable Trust.

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The California Branch of the Royal Society has many influential and memorable members, one of which is Royal Biographer, Sally Bedell Smith, who was very pleased to learn of the formation of the California Branch and graciously agreed to become a Trustee on the invitation of the branch Chairman. With a Royal theme front and centre, the California branch possesses a few Royal individuals within its own membership who are also Trustees of the branch. His Imperial Highness, Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie of Ethiopia, and His Royal Highness, Don Leopold Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang and Liurai of Sonbai-Kecil are but a few of the illustrious members directly supporting the cause and charitable actions of the California branch of the Royal Society of St. George. Both the Chairman, Princess Karen Cantrell, and the Secretary of the California branch, Christopher A. Chambers, have worked alongside both Prince Ermias and H.R.H. Don Leopold for many years, each working with their Royal associates on numerous humanitarian initiatives which have raised an exceptional amount of funding for those in need. Princess Karen Cantrell was granted the traditional hereditary title of “Ratu Muda” which translates into Princess, and Christopher Chambers was granted the traditional hereditary title of “Temukung” by H.R.H. Don Leopold Nisnoni for their charitable efforts.

Charity is at the heart of the California Branch of the Royal Society of St. George. Further illustrating this along with the special relationship America and the United Kingdom share, the attachment of American branches to the Royal Society started before the formal foundation of the Royal Society of St. George; even before the American Revolution, where societies of St. George had been founded in the then British colonies for the relief of British immigrants, where they would receive assistance in their new country. The earliest Branches of which there are any records are those of New York (1770), Philadelphia (1772) and Charlestown (1773). Subsequently Branches were formed in all the great cities of the North American continent and celebrations were always held on St. George’s Day.

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Today, the Royal Society operates world-wide with new branches such as California, paving the way as a great example in supporting the creed and mission of the Royal Society of St. George. For more information about the Royal Society, to become a member and to further become involved with the California branch, please visit:

Article was especially created for PopImpressKA Journal XII Edition

From paint on canvas to designs on the runway, Artist, Designer, Magazine Publisher and Humanitarian, Olga Papkovitch, projects her paintings onto silk fabric, creating unique, beauty-of-nature infused, walking canvases. The PopImpressKA collection is Art Vogue, deriving from the Russian word ‘Popka’ which translates to parrot, for its pulsating and rich colors. Her designs aspire to bring light, vibrancy and solace to one’s lives. Her elegant designs is a cross over where Chanel meets Van Gohn and blends to create a Nuevo movement in fashion.About Olga Papkovitch:

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The Royal Society is an English patriotic organization that was established in 1894 to encourage the interest and promotion of English life, traditions and customs which continue to this very day. With the branch’s Chairman, Princess Karen Cantrell, a direct descendant of H.G. Duke John of Gaunt - 4th son of Edward III, King of England and Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, there is no one better placed to understand “English-ness” and to form a branch of this highly regarded Royal Society in California.

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The dedication and opening of the California branch was celebrated in great style and fanfare with a luscious and traditional English high tea served, with the pomp, ceremony, special care and Royal observance one would expect from a Royal Society of the United [if gte vml 1]><v:shape id="Picture_x0020_5" o:spid="_x0000_s2052" type="#_x0000_t75" style='position:absolute;left:0; text-align:left;margin-left:247.2pt;margin-top:54pt;width:3in;height:121.5pt; z-index:-251657216;visibility:visible;mso-wrap-style:square; mso-wrap-distance-left:9pt;mso-wrap-distance-top:0;mso-wrap-distance-right:9pt; mso-wrap-distance-bottom:0;mso-position-horizontal:absolute; mso-position-horizontal-relative:text;mso-position-vertical:absolute; mso-position-vertical-relative:page'> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:/Users/CHRIST~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/07/clip_image007.jpg" o:title=""></v:imagedata> <w:wrap type="tight" anchory="page"></w:wrap> </v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif]Kingdom. Members from many regions of California were in attendance, to officially dedicate and open the California branch.

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The Royal Society of St. George as a benevolent and charitable organization part of our efforts will be dedicated to fundraising and capital development of programs (to be announced) in the public sector. The Royal Society of St. George, California branch is a fiscally sponsored charitable organization operating under the auspices of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund, a registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity.


The Royal Society of St George California

1775 E. Palm Canyon Drive

Suite: 110-146

Palm Springs, California 92264  USA



RSSG  The Premier Patriotic Society of England. 
Patron: The late Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Incorporated by Royal Charter
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